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Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate Finance


Real Estate

What is Corporate Finance?

Corporate finance, a key area of our expertise, centers on optimizing a company’s financial activities to enhance shareholder value and secure its future. Our services include:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): We specialize in managing the purchase or sale of companies, working with business owners, families, and private equity funds. Our approach is strategic and seamless, ensuring successful transactions.
  • Growth Capital: Recognizing the shift away from traditional banking, we focus on growth capital, essential for businesses aiming to expand. Our team connects business owners with investors, providing the capital needed to boost a company’s growth trajectory.

We are committed to guiding businesses through pivotal financial decisions and strategies.

What services does teamOn offer in Corporate Finance?

At teamOn, we provide several different services, we focus on:

1. Buy-Side M&A:

As financial advisors specializing in buy-side M&A, our role is pivotal in guiding companies through the acquisition process. We identify potential targets aligning with our client’s strategic goals, conducting due diligence to assess risks and opportunities. Our expertise comes into play during negotiations, where we ensure favorable deal terms and fair valuations. We excel in structuring transactions, optimizing financing options, and orchestrating a seamless closing.

2. Sell-Side M&A:

In our capacity as financial advisors specializing in sell-side M&A, we work closely with companies seeking to divest or sell a portion of their business. Our primary responsibilities include identifying potential buyers, conducting exhaustive due diligence to present the company in the best light, and negotiating favorable deal terms. Leveraging our valuation expertise, we strive to secure optimal value for our clients. Crafting strategic deal structures and facilitating a smooth transaction process are integral aspects of our service.

3. Growth Capital Sourcing:

As financial advisors specializing in growth capital sourcing, our focus is on helping companies secure the necessary funding to fuel their expansion initiatives. We begin by understanding our clients’ growth strategies and financial needs. Through a comprehensive assessment, we identify suitable sources of capital, which may include equity investments, venture capital, private equity, or debt financing. Negotiating favorable terms and structures is a key aspect of our role, ensuring that our clients secure the capital they need on terms that align with their business objectives.

4. Buy and Build Strategy Advisory:
The ‘Buy and Build’ investment strategy, particularly prevalent in industries like hotels, offers notable advantages. It revolves around making replicable investments, providing economies of scale, and enabling a combination of geographical diversification with consistent risk. Ultimately, maintaining a homogeneous asset profile enhances the appeal to potential investors during exit.

What are Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)?

Cross-border M&A, short for “Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions,” refers to the practice of buying or selling companies that involve entities located in different countries or regions. In the context of corporate finance, cross-border M&A typically entails companies or investors from one country acquiring or merging with businesses from another country.

Cross-border M&A has become increasingly common in today’s business environment. This strategic approach acknowledges the advantages of looking beyond national boundaries when considering opportunities for acquiring or divesting companies.

Cross-border M&A offers various benefits, such as access to a broader range of potential targets, increased market presence, synergy creation, diversification of business operations, and the potential for cost savings and growth.

How is the M&A process structured?

The M&A process is structured as follows:

  1. Strategy & Project Definition

In this initial phase, the target is defined, and strategic alignment is assessed.

  1. Mapping & Searching

An extensive market exploration identifies potential targets that align with the defined objectives.

  1. Contacting Potential Targets

Initiating discreet, professional contact with the target companies. Building initial rapport and assessing interest is the focus of this stage.

  1. Negotiating an Offer

In this stage, we negotiate terms of the letter of intent (LOI) to find common ground and mutually beneficial terms.

  1. Due Diligence

A comprehensive review scrutinizes the target covering financials, operations, legal aspects, and more to uncover potential issues.

  1. Closing

The finalization of the process and closing formally concludes the transaction. It involves the legal and financial transfer of ownership.

Who are the primary beneficiaries of our M&A advisory services?

Our clientele comprises discerning entities seeking strategic growth and expansion through M&A transactions. We cater to a diverse range of clients, including family offices, company owners, and executive boards. These stakeholders entrust us with their ambitions to acquire companies and propel their businesses to new heights. Our tailored advisory services are designed to navigate the complexities of M&A, ensuring a seamless and value-driven process for clients aspiring to enhance their market presence and capitalize on growth opportunities.

Why choose teamOn as M&A advisor?

Our M&A advisory service distinguishes itself through a hands-on, solution-oriented approach, anchored in the principles of trust and a commitment to long-term partnerships. With an extensive international presence in 50+ countries, backed by a team of 25+ seasoned professionals, and a track record of 1000+ successful transactions, we prioritize not just immediate success but also the cultivation of enduring relationships. By placing emphasis on long-term partnerships, we not only navigate today’s transactions but also unlock opportunities for future collaborations, ensuring sustained growth and prosperity for our clients.

What is Investment advisory?

Our investment advisory services represent a strategic bridge connecting family offices, private equity firms, and investors with discerning investment opportunities. At the core of our offering is a commitment to providing comprehensive insights and strategic recommendations. Through meticulous analysis and market expertise, we empower our clients to make well-informed investment decisions that align with their financial goals and risk tolerance. Our professional approach ensures that each client receives tailored advice, creating a pathway to capitalize on promising investment prospects on a regional or international scale.

What types of investment opportunities does teamOn specialize in?

At teamOn, our expertise extends beyond traditional investment avenues, focusing on alternative investments such as real estate assets, private companies, non-listed enterprises, and other innovative opportunities. This deliberate diversification strategy ensures that our clients can explore unique and promising paths for financial growth. Whether it is meeting strategic goals, acquiring real estate assets, or engaging in alternative investments like greenfield projects, our tailored solutions cater to the diverse needs of family offices. Additionally, institutional investors seeking targeted investments on an international scale, utilize our expertise to benefit from our specialized insights and local knowledge, providing a pathway to maximize returns and leverage opportunities within their portfolios.

What services are included in teamOn’s investment advisory?

Our investment advisory services at teamOn are designed to provide a holistic approach tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in fulfilling buy-side investments and mitigating risks through strategic diversification, including cross-border investments. By offering this comprehensive suite of services, we aim to not only meet but exceed your expectations, ensuring a strategic and effective approach to wealth management. Additionally, we provide a tailor-made investment strategy starting with a thorough analysis of your current position and goals, we craft a strategic roadmap to guide your investment journey. This includes formulating actionable plans to achieve your financial objectives. Our expertise extends across various investment strategies, such as the dynamic “Buy-&-Build” model, long-term “Buy and Hold” strategies, and innovative alternative investments.

What kind of investors does teamOn advise?

teamOn offers advisory services tailored to a diverse spectrum of investors, including family offices and industrial and institutional investors. Our expertise spans across these categories, ensuring that each client benefits from strategic advice and solutions aligned with their unique financial goals and investment preferences. Whether you represent a large industrial entity, an institutional investor, a private individual, or a family office, our customized approach is designed to meet your distinct investment needs.

How can alternative investment lead to international diversification?

Alternative investments, such as real estate, private companies, or other innovative opportunities, can contribute significantly to international diversification. By venturing into these non-traditional assets, investors gain exposure to different markets, industries, and currencies, reducing the overall risk associated with a concentrated portfolio. Additionally, alternative investments often offer opportunities that are not directly correlated with traditional markets, providing a valuable means to hedge against geopolitical and economic uncertainties. Through a well-balanced allocation to alternative investments, investors can enhance their portfolios, potentially achieving more stable returns and minimizing exposure to single-market risks.

How is confidentiality treated during the process?

Confidentiality is a paramount concern in our real estate advisory process. At teamOn, we implement rigorous measures to safeguard sensitive information. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are commonly employed, ensuring that all parties involved, including clients and potential stakeholders, commit to maintaining the confidentiality of the transaction details. Our professional team is trained to handle information discreetly, and only key personnel with a direct role in the transaction have access to specific details. By prioritizing confidentiality, we instill trust in our clients, creating a secure environment for navigating real estate transactions with the utmost discretion and integrity.

What is Real Estate advisory?

In the domain of real estate advisory, we specialize in aiding companies through the acquisition or sale of real estate assets. Our services extend beyond conventional transactions to include innovative solutions such as sale-leaseback arrangements. Particularly advantageous for family-owned businesses, these creative approaches help in separating business operations from real estate holdings. With a focus on strategic and tailored solutions, our real estate advisory is designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses and families, navigating the complexities of the real estate market.

What types of Real Estate does teamOn advise on?

We specialize in providing advisory services for a diverse range of real estate transactions. This includes expert advice in the sale or acquisition of hotels, commercial real estate, and other property types. Whether you are navigating the hospitality sector, commercial properties, or other segments of the real estate market, our advisory services are tailored to guide you through the intricacies of these specific property transactions.

What kind of investors do we advise to?

We primarily focus on providing services to family offices and companies seeking to acquire new offices or invest in real estate development projects. Whether you represent a family office looking for tailored investment strategies or a company exploring opportunities in office acquisitions and real estate development, our expertise is uniquely positioned to address the specific requirements of your strategic objectives.

How is the acquisition of Real Estate financed?

Real estate acquisition is typically financed through a combination of various mechanisms. Common approaches include securing traditional mortgage loans from financial institutions, utilizing commercial loans, engaging in seller financing arrangements, and tapping into private equity or investment partnerships. Additionally, alternative financing methods may also be explored depending on the specific circumstances and objectives of the acquisition. The choice of financing method often depends on factors such as the size of the acquisition, the financial health of the buyer, and the overall investment strategy. We always develop a tailor-made strategy to meet the specified objectives.

What are the different profiles in Real Estate investment?

In the context of real estate investments, investors can be broadly categorized into four types based on their risk appetite, leverage preference, and contribution.

  1. Core Profile: This type of investor prefers the least risk. They generally seek stable, operational assets like hotels or apartments. Their investment approach is conservative with low leverage, focusing on predictable cash flows and asset quality.
  1. Core+ Profile: These investors are a step above Core in terms of risk. They accept slightly higher risk for better returns, still focusing on operational assets but with potential for improvement. Their leverage is moderate, balancing risk with the potential for increased returns.
  1. Value Added Profile: These investors are more risk-tolerant, targeting higher returns. They are willing to invest in assets that require significant development or transformation, such as underutilized land or buildings needing major renovations. This involves higher leverage and a focus on value creation through asset enhancement.
  1. Opportunity Profile: This group seeks the highest returns and is willing to take on the highest risk. They typically engage in niche investments, involving complex situations like asset liquidation or legal complexities. Their strategy involves the highest level of leverage, aiming to significantly multiply their invested capital. They are often involved in transforming or creating assets from the ground up.

The strategies utilized in our advice are based on the strategic objectives of our clients. Our practical approach allows us to tailor specific approaches based on your needs.

How are Properties valued?

In real estate, several valuation methods can be utilized. The following methods are commonly used in real estate:

Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Method:

Utilizes projected future cash flows to determine the present value of a property. Particularly effective for valuating income-generating properties with variable cash flows over time.


Compares the subject property to similar properties in the market that have recently been transacted. Involves analyzing key indicators and characteristics to determine a property’s relative value.

Cost Approach:

Evaluates a property’s value by estimating the cost of reproducing or replacing the structure. Considers factors such as depreciation to arrive at a comprehensive valuation.

Our valuation process integrates different methods, allowing for a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of a property’s worth. By combining the different methods, teamOn ensures a thorough and accurate assessment that aligns with the specific attributes and potential of each property.


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08008, Barcelona, Spain
+34 93 272 08 61


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+34 91 290 14 18


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